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Participation form

The following information is covered by medical secrecy.
We will contact you by phone or email, according to your preferences.

formulaire participation
Sex assigned at birth

Please provide at least one email address or phone number.

Database for the exclusive use of PsyR², which will not be communicated, distributed or sold and will remain on the secure and internal network of the Center Hospitalier Le Vinatier, with the agreement of the CNIL.

Thanks !

Useful information

What are the Regulations

of research ?


Before starting, all human research projects must be validated by:

•The Committee for the Protection of Persons (CPP) which assesses the scientific quality and ensures compliance with the ethics of the project according to the regulations in force (managed by the Regional Health Agency - ARS)

•The National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM), which gives its authorization for research on human subjects.

And confidentiality?


The law "Informatique et Liberté" (collection and automated processing of personal data) of the National Commission for Computing and Freedoms (CNIL), indicates that you must be informed of the fact that your personal data is listed in a file and that you have a right of access and rectification.

Please note that our database, collecting information about you, is for the exclusive use of members of the PsyR² team, who are subject to professional secrecy.
This database will not be communicated, disseminated or sold and will remain on the secure internal network of the Center Hospitalier Le Vinatier, with the agreement of the CNIL. 

It is recorded in the CHV processing register under number 2021-03-001.

Compensation within the framework of a research protocol

“No remuneration can be allocated to anyone who lends himself to experimentation on his person, to the removal of elements from his body or to the collection of products from it. »

(article 16-6 of the Civil Code)

The public health code still provides for the possibility of compensation:

“Biomedical research does not give rise to any direct or indirect financial compensation for the people who take part in it, apart from the reimbursement of the costs incurred and, where applicable, the indemnity in compensation for the constraints suffered, paid by the promoter. The total amount of allowances that a person can receive during the same year is limited to a maximum set by the Minister responsible for health”.  

(excerpt from article L1121-11 of the public health code)

Compensation for participants is only possible in biomedical research and corresponds to compensation for the constraints suffered (time spent, possible discomfort, etc.). The amount of this indemnity (which is therefore not “remuneration”) must be entered in the research protocol. The Committee for the Protection of Persons validates "the amounts and terms of compensation for participants"

(article L1123-7 of the public health code)

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Votre inscription dans la base

Nous conservons les données transmises pendant 5 ans, à compter de la date d'inscription. Vous êtes susceptibles de recevoir une demande d'accord de prolongation avant la date d'échéance. Vous serez alors libres d'annuler ou reconduire la conservation de vos données dans cette base.

Pour toute information, vous pouvez nous contacter à

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To help us, participate!

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